HCL_FPArch_d is an interface class to the LAPACK DLAMCH, which determines the floating point characteristics of machine on which the code is running
ostream& | Write ( ostream & str ) const Write displays the values of all parameters on the given stream. |
HCL_FPArch_d is an interface class to the LAPACK DLAMCH, which determines the floating point characteristics of machine on which the code is running. For example, the relative machine precision can be determined as follows:HCL_FPArch_d Arch; // Create a "floating point architecture" object double eps = Arch.eps; // eps is now machine precisionSee the list of class members for other available parameters.For more information on these parameters, see
LAPACK User's Guide (2nd edition) by Anderson, Bai, et al., 1995 (SIAM)
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
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