The class HCL_UMinTR_d implements a generic algorithm for solving unconstrained minimization problems using a trust region method
HCL_UMinTR_d ( HCL_TrustRegionSolver_d * trs=NULL, char * fname=NULL ) Usual constructor | |
Table& | Parameters () const Access to parameter table |
virtual HCL_EvaluateFunctional_d& | LastEval () const LastEval returns a reference to the functional's evaluation object at the most recent point |
virtual void | SetScaling ( HCL_LinearOp_d * S, HCL_LinearSolver_d * lsolver=NULL ) SetScaling defines a new inner product in terms of a symmetric, positive definite operator S: <x,y> = (x,Sy) |
virtual void | UnSetScaling () UnSetScaling returns the inner product to the default. |
int | Minimize ( HCL_Functional_d & f, HCL_Vector_d & x ) Minimize attempts to find a local minimizer of the functional f, using x as a starting guess |
virtual ostream& | Write ( ostream & str ) const Prints description of the object |
enum Return values for the method Minimize.
The class HCL_UMinTR_d implements a generic algorithm for solving unconstrained minimization problems using a trust region method. A HCL_TrustRegionSolver_d, which implements an algorithm for solving the trust region subproblem, is required to construct the minimizer. If the user does not provide a trust region solver, the HCL_TRCG_d, which implements the Steihaug-Toint algorithm, is used by default. Note that the Steihaug-Toint algorithm is intended for large-scale problems.The three important methods of this class are:
- Minimize This method takes a HCL_Functional_d and a starting point, and attempts to locate a local minimizer of the functional. The return value of the method is the termination code, which indicates why the algorithm terminated. See the documentation for the termination codes for details.
- Parameters This method returns a reference to the parameter table, and allows the programmer to access or change the parameters that control the iteration. See the documentation on input parameters for details about algorithmic parameters.
- LastEval This method returns a reference to the evaluation object at the best point found by the algorithm, thus giving the calling routine access to the function value, gradient, and Hessian at the final point. It is an error to call LastEval before Minimize.
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling