LocalRVL Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
RVL::amatvec< T >Adjoint action wrapper - for generation of LinearOpFO instances
RVL::ASCIIReader< Scalar >Read a vector from a text file, where the first line is expected to contain data on the dimension of the vector
RVL::ASCIIWriter< Scalar >Write an LDC to a file, where the first line is expected to contain data on the dimension
RVL::BinaryLocalConstEval< DataType >Binary Local FOCE with templated return type interface
RVL::BinaryLocalEvaluation< DataType >Binary local evaluation mixin
RVL::BinaryLocalFunctionObject< DataType >Binary local function object: takes two local data container arguments, no return value
RVL::BinaryLocalFunctionObjectConstEval< DataType >
RVL::BinaryLocalFunctionObjectScalarRedn< DataType, ValType >
RVL::BinaryReader< Scalar >Read a vector from a binary file, where the first entry in the file is element first (in bytes) from SEEK_SET
RVL::BinaryWriter< Scalar >Dumps binary data in memory to a binary file 16.12.06: starting at file position first, setable via seek(int)
RVL::CFunction< T, f >FO class encapsulating eval of f
RVL::CJacobian< T, df >FO class encapsulating eval of df
RVL::ContentPackage< DataType, MetaType >A normal pairing of an array of data along with Metadata object
RVL::ElementwiseDivision< Scalar >Performs an elementwise safeguarded division
RVL::ElementwiseMultiply< Scalar >Performs an elementwise multiplication
RVL::ElementwiseSqrtAbs< Scalar >Performs an elementwise square root of absolute value $u = sqrt(abs(v))$
RVL::fmatvec< T >Forward action wrapper - for generation of LinearOpFO instances
RVL::GenMat< T >GenMat: simple matrix class, mostly for testing purposes
RVL::GenOp< T, f, df >Local Operator class based on two C-style functions, one computing the function value, the other computing the Jacobian matrix
RVL::LocalConstEval< DataType >Local FOCE
RVL::LocalDataContainer< DataType >
RVL::LocalDataContainerFactory< DataType >A factory class for LocalDataContainers
RVL::LocalDataContainerSection< DataType >A view of a contiguous portion of another LDC
RVL::LocalEvaluation< DataType >Evaluation type, mixin for definition of LFOs
RVL::LocalFunctionObject< DataType >Generic local function object, i.e
RVL::LocalLinearAlgebraPackage< DataType, Scalar >Interface to local function objects defining the basic ops of linear algebra in Hilbert space: linear combination, assignment to the zero vector, and inner product
RVL::LocalSpace< Scalar, DataType >Abstract Space class for local data structures, i.e
RVL::LocalVector< Scalar, DataType >Vector in a LocalSpace, which can sensibly return a pointer to its data array - and does so (getData), also has access to its with its dimension (getSize)
RVL::matvec< T >Mat-Vec as FunctionObject
RVL::OpWithGenMatDeriv< T >Operator class with matrix Jacobian attribute
RVL::PackageContainer< DataType, MetaType >A abstract DC construct, implementing an implicit product structure with ContentPackage components
RVL::PackageContainerFactory< DataType, MetaType >An almost-concrete factory class for PackageContainers, lacking only one protected and one public method to be complete
RVL::PackageContainerSpace< DataType, MetaType >PackageContainerSpace is an abstract StdSpace child based on PackageContainer and its Factory class, using the standard RVL linear algebra package
RVL::PartitionedLocalDataContainer< DataType >ProductLocalDataContainer made by dicing up a LocalDataContainer
RVL::PolynomialOperator< Scalar >This operator takes a vector of coefficients and computes the polynomial mapping described by these coefficients
RVL::ProductDataContainerLDC< DataType >Wrapper class which turns a ProductLocalDataContainer into a ProductDataContainer
RVL::ProductLocalDataContainer< DataType >Specialization of ProductDataContainer to case where all factors are local data containers
RVL::QuaternaryLocalConstEval< DataType >Quaternary Local FOCE with templated return type interface
RVL::QuaternaryLocalEvaluation< DataType >Quaternary local evaluation mixin
RVL::QuaternaryLocalFunctionObject< DataType >Quaternary local function object: takes four local data container arguments, no return value
RVL::QuaternaryLocalFunctionObjectConstEval< DataType >
RVL::QuaternaryLocalFunctionObjectScalarRedn< DataType, ValType >
RVL::RnArray< Scalar >An implementation of a LDC containing an array of Scalars
RVL::RnDataContainerFactory< Scalar >A factory for RnArrays
RVL::RnSpace< Scalar >A space whose elements are RnArrays and which uses the standard linear algebra package
RVL::RVLAddAccumulate< Scalar >This BFO does v += w
RVL::RVLAssignConst< Scalar >This UFO sets all elements of a LDC to a constant value
RVL::RVLBoxMaxStep< Scalar >Given a maximum and minimum vectors which define a box constraint, find the largest scalar so that $x+\alpha dx$ is not outside the box
RVL::RVLCopy< Scalar >This BFO copies the second LDC onto the first
RVL::RVLCopy< double >
RVL::RVLCopy< float >
RVL::RVLL2innerProd< Scalar >This BFOSR and Accumulation computes the inner product of two LDCs
RVL::RVLL2innerProd< complex< Scalar > >Complex specialization of L2 Inner Product
RVL::RVLLinCombObject< Scalar >This binary function object performs a linear combination u = a*v + b*u
RVL::RVLLinearAlgebraPackage< Scalar >The standard linear algebra package which should work for most Spaces
RVL::RVLMax< Scalar >This UFOSR and Accumulation finds the maximum element of an LDC
RVL::RVLMin< Scalar >This UFOSR and Accumulation finds the minimum element of an LDC Works of course only for Scalar types that have a min function
RVL::RVLRandomize< Scalar >Assigns random values in [a, b] to each entry in the LDC where the defaults are a = 0, b = 1
RVL::RVLRandomize< complex< Scalar > >Assigns random values in [a, b] to each entry in the LDC where the defaults are a = 0, b = 1
RVL::RVLRandomize< int >Specialization for assigning random integers in [0, RAND_MAX]
RVL::RVLScalarLogistic< Scalar >This BFO implements the scalar version of the logistic function $ f(x) = x (1 + s^2 x^2)^{-1/2} + m $, where $ s=2/(f_{\rm max} - f_{\rm min})$ and $ m=(f_{\rm max} + f_{\rm min})/2$
RVL::RVLScalarLogisticDeriv< Scalar >This TFO implements the scalar version of the logistic function derivative $ df(x)dx = (1 + s^2 x^2)^{-3/2} dx$, where $ s=2/(f_{\rm max} - f_{\rm min})$
RVL::RVLScalarLogisticInverse< Scalar >This BFO implements the inverse of the scalar version of the logistic function $ f(x) = x (1 + s^2 x^2)^{-1/2} + m $, where $ s=2/(f_{\rm max} - f_{\rm min})$ and $ m=(f_{\rm max} + f_{\rm min})/2$
RVL::RVLScale< Scalar >This UFO scales an LDC
RVL::RVLVectorLogistic< Scalar >This QFO implements the vector version of the logistic function $ f(x) = x (1 + s^2 x^2)^{-1/2} + m $, where $ s=2/(f_{\rm max} - f_{\rm min})$ and $ m=(f_{\rm max} + f_{\rm min})/2$
RVL::RVLVectorLogisticDeriv< Scalar >This O implements the vector version of the logistic function derivative $ df(x)dx = (1 + s^2 x^2)^{-3/2} dx$, where $ s=2/(f_{\rm max} - f_{\rm min})$
RVL::RVLVectorLogisticInverse< Scalar >This FO implements the inverse of the vector version of the logistic function $ f(x) = x (1 + s^2 x^2)^{-1/2} + m $, where $ s=2/(f_{\rm max} - f_{\rm min})$ and $ m=(f_{\rm max} + f_{\rm min})/2$
RVL::ScalarFO1< T, f >Unary template
RVL::ScalarFO2< T, f >Binary template
RVL::ScalarFO3< T, f >Ternary template
RVL::ScalarFO4< T, f >
RVL::ScalarFO5< T, f >
RVL::ScalarFO6< T, f >
RVL::SingleDataContainer< Datatype, Metatype >SingleDataContainer is a wrapper for a single ContentPackage, and is a child rather than a template specialization of PackageContainer
RVL::SingleDataContainerFactory< Datatype, Metatype >Factory class for SingleDataContainer
RVL::SymMat< T >Symmetric specialization of GenMat
RVL::TernaryLocalConstEval< DataType, ValType >Ternary Local FOCE with templated return type interface
RVL::TernaryLocalEvaluation< DataType >Ternary local evaluation mixin
RVL::TernaryLocalFunctionObject< DataType >Ternary local function object: takes three local data container arguments, no return value
RVL::TernaryLocalFunctionObjectConstEval< DataType >
RVL::TernaryLocalFunctionObjectScalarRedn< DataType, ValType >
RVL::UnaryLocalConstEval< DataType >Unary Local FOCE with templated return type interface
RVL::UnaryLocalEvaluation< DataType >Unary local evaluation mixin
RVL::UnaryLocalFunctionObject< DataType >Unary local function object: takes one local data container argument, no return value
RVL::UnaryLocalFunctionObjectConstEval< DataType >Local const eval hierarchy
RVL::UnaryLocalFunctionObjectScalarRedn< DataType, ValType >Local reduction function object hierarchy
RVL::VectorLogisticOp< Scalar >

Generated on 5 Jan 2017 for LocalRVL by  doxygen 1.4.7