RvlUmin Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
RVLUmin::BacktrackingLineSearchAlg< Scalar >Factory class for BacktrackingLineSearchAlgBase implementation of backtracking line search
RVLUmin::BacktrackingLineSearchAlgBase< Scalar >Does a backtracking line search starting from a prescribed step, passed as argument firststep to the constructor
RVLUmin::CGAlg< Scalar >Implementation of a CG algorithm
RVLUmin::CGExceptionException subtype - thrown when needed
RVLUmin::CGNEAlg< Scalar >Conjugate gradient algorithm - efficient implementation for normal equations

\[ A^{\prime} A x = A^{\prime} b\]

for solving the linear least squares problem

\[ \min_{x} \vert A x - b \vert^2 \]

RVLUmin::CGNEPolicy< Scalar >Policy class for creation of CGNEAlg in trust region solver and any other algorithm needing a least squares solver component - build method creates CGNEAlg with these attributes:
RVLUmin::CGNEPolicyData< Scalar >Data class for CGNE policy
RVLUmin::CGNEStep< Scalar >Single step of conjugate gradient iteration for the normal equations
RVLUmin::CGStep< Scalar >Single iteration of the Conjugate Gradient method for solution of SPD linear systems
RVLUmin::ChebAlg< Scalar >Chebyshev polynomial algorithm - efficient implementation for normal equations

\[ A^{\prime} A x = A^{\prime} b\]

for solving the linear least squares problem

\[ \min_{x} \vert A x - b \vert^2 \]

RVLUmin::ChebPolicy< Scalar >
RVLUmin::ChebPolicyData< Scalar >Policy class for creation of ChebAlg - build method creates ChebAlg with these attributes:
RVLUmin::ChebStep< Scalar >Single step of Chebyshev iteration for the normal equations
RVLUmin::LBFGSBT< Scalar >Limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (LBFGS) quasi-Newton optimization with geometric backtracking line search globalization
RVLUmin::LBFGSDir< Scalar >This algorithm performs a quasi-newton method for minimizing a continuous function
RVLUmin::LBFGSOp< Scalar >LMBFGSOp implements the limited memory BFGS approximation to the inverse Hessian of a twice-differentiable function
RVLUmin::LineSearchAlg< Scalar >Abstract handle class template for line searches
RVLUmin::LineSearchAlgBase< Scalar >Base class for line search algorithms
RVLUmin::LSQRAlg< Scalar >This is Algorithm LSQR as stated in Paige and Saunders, ACM TOMS vol
RVLUmin::LSQRPolicy< Scalar >Policy class for creation of LSQRAlg in trust region solver and any other algorithm needing a least squares solver component - build method creates LSQRAlg with these attributes:
RVLUmin::LSQRPolicyData< Scalar >Data class for LSQR policy
RVLUmin::LSQRStep< Scalar >Single step of LSQR iteration for solution of the normal equations, per Paige & Saunders, ACM TOMS v
RVLUmin::PCGNEStep< Scalar >Preconditioned conjugate gradient iteration for the normal equations
RVLUmin::PowerMethod< Scalar >Power method for finding largest singular value of a linear operator
RVLUmin::PowerStep< Scalar >This Algorithm does a single iteration of the Power Method for estimating the largest singular value of a linear operator
RVLUmin::TRGNAlg< Scalar, Policy >Trust Region iteration
RVLUmin::TRGNStep< Scalar, Policy >Generic trust region (truncated GN) step
RVLUmin::UMinDir< Scalar >Abstract interface for computation of search directions, in support of descent methods
RVLUmin::UMinStepLS< Scalar >Base class for Unconstrained Minimization step algorithms with globalization via line search
RVLUmin::VPM< Scalar, LSPolicy, LSPolicyData >Given a LinOpValOp F and a Vector d in the range of op, implements the function $ f(x) = \inf_{dx} \|F(x)dx - d\|^2 $ as an RVL::Functional

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