HCL_LeastSquaresFcnlProductDomain_d creates least-squares objective functions from operators and data
![]() | HCL_LeastSquaresFcnlProductDomain_d ( HCL_OpProductDomain_d * Operator, HCL_Vector_d * Data) Usual constructor. Pointers to the operator and data are required. |
![]() | Domain () const Domain space access |
![]() | Evaluate ( const HCL_Vector_d & x ) const Evaluate creates an "evaluation" object, which knows how to compute the function value, gradient,and Hessian at the given x |
![]() | Write ( ostream & str ) const Write invokes the Write methods of the operator and data. |
HCL_LeastSquaresFcnlProductDomain_d creates least-squares objective functions from operators and data. The term "ProductDomain" indicates that the operator (and hence the functional) is defined on a product space. This is a so called bridge class, i.e. it exists merely to make objects of some class behave like objects of another class. In this case, the input objects are a nonlinear operator A (an instance of HCL_OpProductDomain_d) and a data vector d. The interface to these objects constructed by the class is the least-squares functionalits gradient
and its Hessian operator
expressed as an HCL_FunctionalProductDomain_d, an input class for optimization methods.
This class can be used to solve nonlinear least squares problems straight from the implementation of the underlying operator, without constructing by hand the least-squares function, as follows:
If you have a nonlinear operator N (an instance of HCL_OpProductDomain_d), and a data vector d (an instance of HCL_Vector_d), construct the least-squares functional as follows:
HCL_LeastSquaresFcnlProductDomain_d F(N, d);The HCL_Functional_d F so constructed is suitable for submission to an optimization algorithm using second derivative information, such as Steihaug-Toint (HCL_UMinTR), or to any of the algorithms using first derivative information, such as BFGS (HCL_UMin_lbfgs_d) or nonlinear conjugate gradients (HCL_UMinNLCG_d), as well as those algorithms specifically recognizing the product space structure, such as HCL_UMinAlt_d and HCL_UMinSub_d.
virtual HCL_VectorSpace_d& Domain() const
virtual HCL_EvaluateFunctional_d* Evaluate( const HCL_Vector_d & x ) const
virtual ostream& Write( ostream & str ) const
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling
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